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Profile Pictures: Why One Size Does Not Fit All. Corporate portraits, artist photo and online datin

Profile Pictures: Why One Size Does Not Fit All

We're living in a virtual world. That's the deal. And with that, whether we want to admit it or not, comes a need for a visual presence.

Think about all of the different ways you are interacting online on a daily basis. To name just a few: Linked In, Google+, Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, WordPress, online dating sties, and your company website. If you are using any of the following sites, there's a good chance you have a profile picture associated with that account: And please don't get us started about the dreaded "default avatar" that displays for those people are too lazy or too self-conscious to upload a head shot. Trust us... you don't what to be that guy.

But even if you are brave enough ;) to have a head shot for your various online accounts, you may still be missing an opportunity. For many of us, we are using the same 3-year-old selfie for every online account we have... because... it's easy. And because someone told as -- at one point, a long long time ago -- that it was a good picture of us, and we just don't think that we are photogenic, so we just assume that what we've got is good enough.

We are here to let you know it's not good enough... and to encourage you that there is a better, easier, and affordable alternative to having "selfie 2014" as your universal profile pic. Hiring a professional photographer to take a variety of photos of you wearing different looks and with different lighting and backgrounds may be one of the best decisions you will ever make.

Why? Because, as we've said before, you are a brand, and in this very visual online world, sometimes the only thing that will separate you from your competition, is your online first impression. And that first impression often includes your professional head shot (or your online dating profile picture, or your biography business portrait, etc).

And these photos should not all be the same because the intention and goal are so different for each type of interaction. If your photography is geared toward the specific audience you are trying to reach, your chances of connecting with that audience right off the bat will be so much higher when the visual you present to them matches the tone of your written communication.

But hey, we're photographers, and we know photos speak louder than words, so we'll let our images do the talking for us. Below are three types of head shots and business portraits we did for our client Daniel.

Daniel is a realtor, an artist, and an online dater, among other things. In less that 2 hours, we knocked out professional head shots and business portraits for all three uses, and all we did was change the lighting, locations, his wardrobe and his poses. Take a look below, and you'll see first-hand how much a professional head shot communicates about the intention and mindset of our subject.

GoodHuman wants to help you create an online presence with professional head shots and business portraits that are an effective and complete representation of you and your brand. Hire one of our professional photographers and you'll be one your way to building a visual presence that speaks to your many varied audiences.

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