ROI and Corporate Photography
I’m finding more and more that business and corporate photography is changing for the better. Thankfully corporate photo clients are becoming more comfortable pushing the boundaries of business portraits. Clients are are allowing more time and freedom to work on my corporate portraits and less and less of 2 min with each person, stiff poses and boring lighting. It’s about time! I understand that some companies are a little more conservative than others and its important to keep that in mind when photographing corporations but adding personality to the photographs and authenticity is just as important to keep in mind. The bottom line is, the more unique, professional and authentic the imagery on your website looks, the more chance the viewer is going to feel like they know and like the person they are trying work with.
That’s ROI for you.
Clients find your business in many different ways. Online, SEO, referrals, networking, emailers, etc… Sometimes we just don’t know, but what we do know is that once they’ve found you they start their investigation. They look at your site, Linked In page, yelp etc… Trust me, they do. Do they read everything you’ve written? Maybe. Do they look at your business picture? FOR SURE! Video? Probably more than your writing… They are looking for feeling, a gut check. My point is, your corporate photos should look amazing. You will feel better about them AND your client will feel better calling and trusting you.
That’s all I can say for sure about ROI for sure.
Below is aLos Angeles business photography shoot I did for an awesome investment company called Avivar which focuses on managing impact investment portfolios and developing impact-driven funds and families of funds on behalf of clients
Avivar cares about the world we live in. They are also creative. They are also authorities AND they are also professional and I think this set of corporate images captures this perfectly. See below for their set of authentic business photography.
Reach out any time if you’d like talk about different ways I can create unique corporate photography for you and your team.
Sam Diephuis